March 2024 Quarterly News

What’s on my TV?

I just finished watching season four of All Creatures Great and Small. I love the show and it’s funny moments are much needed after a day at work. I’ve also enjoyed watching Belgravia (the limited series run from 2020), and County Rescue (from Great American Family). The style of the show reminds me of something from my childhood and I Iike the humor and message of the episodes.

What’s in my kitchen?

I’ve been working my way through a stack of recipes that have been sitting around for a number of years. I’ve yet to make cinnamon rolls, so this cinnamon walnut bread really hit the spot.

What’s growing in my garden?

The tomatoes are finally coming in, however it’s spring here in Phoenix which means the garden life is coming to an end. As growing season in the summer temperatures require more work than I can manage. The dill, cilantro, parsley and lettuces are making their last go.

What’s happening at my desk?

The Hearts of Woolsey series got a new look. All three book covers have been updated to a fun and fresh look. If you have yet to read them and want to experience all the Arizona desert has to offer be sure to check them out.

Also, The Album, won for Best Book – Fiction (General) in the Winter 2024 Pencraft Awards.

What else is going on?

At the end of February, Ransom joined his brothers Bayou and MacGyver over the Rainbow Bridge, and met Charley, who he never knew, but hopefully Bayou did a nice introduction. Ransom was by my side for over 8 years and it has been a difficult and emotional time without him. The house is so very quiet and I miss his smiles and love every second of the day. The pain of losing a family member never goes away, but the days get easier knowing you loved them and will always have their memories. Ransom could see into your soul and was tuned into the emotions of others, he was a reminder to have peace within yourself and be happy every day.

Wishing you a blessed spring.

Hugs and happy reading, Savannah

December 2023 Quarterly News

What’s happening at my desk:

First, if you missed the news, I have a new wholesome romance novel coming out on February 1, 2024. Second, I’m knee deep in edits and revisions for a women’s fiction story, and a few other top-secret projects are being juggled as well. But back to my novel coming in February, Route to Romance. I think you’ll love this fun adventure featuring a twice-divorced lawyer and a never married songwriter. The story came about when I was thinking about childhood summer road trips and a few in my Uncle Dick’s RV. There are many laughs in the story, but also moments that remind us it’s never too late to follow your dreams. You can read the blurb here. 

What’s on my TV:

Well, it’s the end of the holiday season when channels crank out movie after movie. And I noticed that over the last few years I sort of fell into “I have to watch them because it’s what everyone does” category. I realized I was getting distracted during each of them and had been for years. Trying to juggle too many things, they soon became background noise. I discovered that the movies had not become less meaningful, I had. I’d stopped watching them for entertainment and instead was watching them because it was on my to-do-list. And guess what happened when I took the time to watch them because I wanted to, and distraction free? I loved them, the joy of watching them returned.

What’s in my kitchen?

My two favorite coffees! The 49er (Mariposa Coffee Company) and Foster Fuel (Grounds & Hounds)

What else is going on?

Ransom and I made it to see our favorite tree just before Christmas! And of course, in true desert style, everything looks like fall come winter.

I hope that y’all had a lovely 2023 and wishing you the very best in 2024. Thank you for being a reader and a fan.

Hugs and happy reading, Savannah

September 2023 Quarterly News

What a summer it was out here in Phoenix! I don’t recall a summer with such little monsoon rain and it’s so sad to see the cacti struggling. So when I say that I’m super ready for fall this year, I mean it! But because of the long and hot summer I was able to knock out a lot more writing than normal.

What’s on my TV: The Blacklist (currently on season 6) – I really enjoy watching prior shows and the library is such a great resource! It’s like going to Blockbuster video on a Friday night! My most favorite show I’ve enjoyed recently was the remake of All Creatures Great & Small. I’m super excited for season 4 in January!

What’s happening in my kitchen: Pizza, pizza, and more pizza! If you missed it, I created a pizza muffin recipe that you can check out here. I’m also making lots of regular pizza too. I made the dough fresh and add a little EVOO before putting on my toppings. The pizza stone really helps give the crust a nice bake.

What’s happening at my desk: In case you missed it and are looking for a fall read, The Album, released in March and was a 2023 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards Finalists for eBook. If you like stories set in the south about ghosts, witches, The Bible, and coming of age, you can find this award-winning book here.

Thanks for stopping by! I’ll be posting again on December 31st. So until, then I hope you have a great fall!

Hugs and happy reading, Savannah

June 2023 Quarterly News

Summer is in full swing in Arizona, but it pretty much seems like that is always the case, year around, therefore summer is not the big happy excitement that most in other states get to enjoy. When I lived in Washington I was so excited for summer. In Arizona, we get excited for the other three seasons, even Ransom isn’t a fan of the summertime here.

So, what have I been up to since the March post . . . well, I’m wrapping up a manuscript, two actually, and working on a fun side project that hopefully I can share more about soon. I’ve been getting questions on to when my next book will be releasing and WHAT it will be. At this time I can’t report anything . . . yet.

I can share that I started a book club, The Old Book Book Club! We read books and chat about them four times a year. The books selected are all published prior to 2010. Our first book chat for Charms of the Easy Life by Kaye Gibbons will be July, 12th at 5:30pm PST via Zoom. You can find more information and links for The Old Book Book Club here.

What’s growing in my garden: Lots of tomatoes and that’s about it. I limit my summer garden because it’s really a challenge to keep things alive when it’s 110 outside, in the shade.

What’s on my TV: you’ll find me watching the latest episode of Houses with History.

What’s happening in my kitchen: As always, supper from scratch, and also homemade ranch dressing, you’ll find this yummy recipe below.

Recipe: Homemade Ranch Dressing

  • 1/8 cup of Avocado Oil Mayonnaise (or your preferred mayo)
  • 1/4 cup of sour cream
  • 1 tsp of each: dried dill, parsley, garlic, onion (you can add more of any of these if you prefer, I usually end up doubling the dill)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • Mix until combined and use for dipping fresh veggies or pizza crust

What is everyone up to this summer? Any fun plans or adventures??

March 2023 Quarterly News

Ransom is very focused on my food, hoping for a nibble.

Spring is in the air, or maybe just in my nose. Anyone else love the spring, but your allergies have other plans for the joy of pollen?

If you’ve migrated here from my newsletter, thank you! For all my prior subscribers to this blog, it’s been a few years, thanks for sticking around.

The start of the year has been full of bookish things. In February, I did my first solo Facebook Live, and while I was full of nerves, I really enjoyed it. Although I have a sneaky suspicion, a lot of viewers were there to see the awesome handsome Ransom.

During my downtime, I’ve been watching and reading: I’m finishing up another season of Burn Notice and read Meditations with Cows by Shreve Stockton

What’s growing in my garden: lavender, cilantro, carrots, spinach, kale, and green onions

What’s happening in my kitchen: homemade soup with lots of carrots

March wrapped up to be the busiest month, with the release of my 12th book, The Album. On top of it all, I turned 43 and spent time with my dad and family in San Diego for a few days. It was a nice little adventure and a much needed vacation.

I’d love to hear what y’all have been up to the first few months of 2023, and I hope you’ll stop by again at the end of June for my next quarterly post.

Hugs and happy reading, Savannah